
Share Everything

This is part of a passage from one of the daily devotionals that Daniel and I love, God Calling. My mother-in-law (Momma D) gave it to us almost two years ago when we needed to refocus our lives on the Lord. It made an incredible difference then, and we continue to find beauty and relevance in it's words as we re-read it. Let me know if I can share a copy with you; I'd LOVE to!

"Share Everything," God Calling

Share your Love, your Joy, your Happiness, your time, your food, gladly with all. Such wonders will unfold. You see it but in bud now- the glory of the open flower is beyond all your telling. Love, Joy, Peace in richest abundance- only believe. Give out Love and all you can with a glad, free heart and hand. Use all you can for others, and back will come such countless stores and blessings.

Wishing you an abundance of blessings-